We went to the Zoo on Friday and my phone liked it so much he decided to stay there. I kept hoping someone would find it and call but no :( So today we went to tmobile and I got a loaner phone until Tuesday when I should get my new one in the mail. I have never had a phone without a qwerty board. Here is me walking out of tmobile trying to figure out how to text my sister back.

We came home and Dave got caught up with the new office and 30 rock and we made ravioli filled with herbs and tofu mmmmm. Later on we headed to Cambridge to go see Mother Of Mercy and Rival Mob at the Elks. It was a lot of fun but really hot. We came home and made grilled cheese with Daiya cheese and now about to catch up on Justified.
I wore this again since the first time I wore it I actually didn't go anywhere.
yay and the new shoes! i love it and you!