Friday, February 17, 2012


We got back from Florida last night. It was a great trip! I will write more about it when I get all the pictures from Dave. I also have a ton of pictures on my phone I need to get off. Is there anyway to get pics from my iphone without emailing each one at a time?

Oh and my blog is 2 years old now!


  1. Alright. That is too cute.

    If you go to "camera roll" then click the arrow in a box icon (for forward an email), select the pictures you want to email and then click the "share" button it'll give you the option of emailing multiples. I've never been able to email more than 5 at a time though.

    1. Thanks! I always send my mom a bunch of one picture emails. This would be way easier!

  2. when i plug my phone into my computer there's a folder that i can open and that's how i save all my pictures. i don't have a mac though (not sure if you do)

    1. Someone told Dave you can't get pictures off your phone like that but I guess I should've tried first! Thank you!

  3. I don't have an iphone, but I use an FTP with my Droid. I always forget my login and such so I probably only do it once a year LOL
