Wednesday, September 12, 2012

San Francisco

I'm not the biggest fan of California. I have only been for the fest we go to and then the time we went to San Diego (which I did like). Everyone tells me I will love San Francisco. Well I did. I wish we had more time there. We had to rush through everything we did but it was still so much fun.

 We tried to do tourist things on Labor Day but we forgot it was Labor Day and EVERYONE was out. After driving around for awhile we decided to go to the Japanese Tea Garden. It was close to closing so it wasn't too crowded.
It made me so excited for our trip to Japan!

The next morning we set out to do as much as we could before the show. I think did everything I wanted. Elinor was such a trooper. We kept waking her up from 5 minute naps. She would just jump up ready to go. 
First we met up with one of my friends from high school. I haven't seen her in years and it was so nice. Elinor loved her too. She gave her the best cuddle ever, I've never seen her do that to anyone! 
This was after one of her little naps. She was clearly excited to see the Full House house!
Made it to the Golden Gate bridge. Elinor was beyond tired but stayed up to see it.
 Walking to see the sea lions, Dave cut up some stairs. I was confused because the water was now behind us but I followed. When we came into the square I saw a fountain with mermaids! I said Dave look mermaids! He said I know that's why I brought you up here. How great is he?! I love mermaids! Especially a mermaid holding her mermaid baby!
 The sea lions!
 She had just woke up and a little confused. Once she saw the sea lions and some seagulls she was excited!

 I can't wait to go back!