Friday, November 2, 2012

Japan 5

We wanted to go to a museum while we were there to see some Japanese history and culture. I didn't know how it would go bringing a 10 month old but she did good. I let her crawl around a lot and try to walk which kept her entertained. 
 watching a sword tricks
model of Tokyo in the Edo period
Samurai armor and reading to Elinor 
Model of an upper class estate from the Edo period
 portable shrine used in parades
Model of an Edo period bridge into Tokyo
Life-sized recreation of a Kabuki show
 She met a new friend. Elinor is used to being around kids so she went right up to the little girl and grabbed at her. The little girl cried. 

Only one more day of Japan pictures after this! Sorry it is taking so long. It has been easier to go through all of our pictures day by day. 


  1. She makes friends everywhere doesn't she? How adorable. Speaking of adorable I LOVE your outfit. Lets talk about those shoes for a sec!

    1. Thanks! My shoes are crocs (shhh!) and so so comfy for a lot of walking
