My favorite go to bag. I buy new ones but always switch back to this one
Bag-Fred Perry
Shoes/Necklace-Fred Perry
Within 2 minutes of walking into the show I took off my sweater and was so close to taking my tights off. It was a lot of fun even though I'm not into the venue it was at. I can never see anything there. If I really wanted I could push my way up to see but it was just too hot and I didn't care that much. I got to see a lot of good friends!
Lynn and I finally realized you could go outside to the side of the building (there was no reentry). We found my friend Ryan out there! He is single ladies :)
I made Ryan take a picture of me and Lynn.
We came back home with Ryan and I had promised to make him some treats. We used to bake together all the time but he moved back to New York and I never get to see him anymore. He decided we needed to make something pumpkin flavor since it's fall. So we made vegan pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
They are so good! Everyone should try to make these. They were super easy and yummy!
i like that picture of us a lot! and those cupcakes look AWESOME. i think i could eat cream cheese frosting on a shoe and still be happy though