Wednesday, June 22, 2011

stuffed peppers

I will keep with my continuous talk of food for the week. We have made stuffed peppers before and I thought I blogged about them but I can't seem to find it. Every time we make them slightly different. This time was really simple and easy. Only thing about making stuffed peppers is they have to bake for at least an hour, unless I'm missing something. We don't have a ton of time between when we get home and a reasonable hour to eat dinner. I got off work a little early the other day and we had peppers so we went with what we had.
stuffed with quinoa, black beans and a little pepperjack daiya cheese with mozzarella daiya on top. I'm pretty sure last time we mixed in a little tomato sauce in and it was really good but this was still yummy. Oh and a salad on the side. I was so so so stuffed that night. I think the quinoa expanded in my stomach, hours after we ate I still couldn't move.


  1. That looks so delicious! I am not wild about peppers; maybe I will try it in summer squash. Yum, yum, yum!

  2. stuffed peppers are really good for you and supposed to give you a ton of energy. i love brown rice & ground turkey ones.

  3. I've never made stuffed peppers, but you've inspired me! I found a bunch of awesome recipes and am going to try them tonight :)
