Thursday, July 14, 2011

quick pasta salad by my mother

Awhile ago my mom sent me a recipe for this super quick pasta salad. Well I never made it so since she has been here she made it for us one night. I tried snapping some pics as she quickly made it. You can add any veggies with it but this is how she made it...
Add any kind of cold pasta, olives and cannelloni beans
mix with green giant antioxidant blend (contains broccoli, carrots and red and yellow sweet pepper strips)
she then mixes balsamic vinegar, water, oil and italian seasoning to make this yummy dressing to pour onto the pasta mix
Then enjoy! 

It takes just the amount of time to make the pasta and heat up the green giant veggies. She made tons extra so I've been able to eat it for lunch or snacks throughout the week. If anyone tries this out let me know what changes you made and how it came out!

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