Monday, March 3, 2014

touring daddy

I started this blog when Dave was touring a lot. I needed something to do and wanted to share pictures with out of town family that didn't have social media. I cringe looking back and have thought about deleting everything from before I was pregnant. But it is nice to look back on an exact date to see where we were or what we were doing even if it is embarrassing. Especially for someone like me, who has a terrible memory.

It was easy to blog while he was gone. It gave me something to do. I found so many awesome blogs and new friends through here. Now with Elinor it has become harder to find time to write. Dave is currently on tour and I have barely opened up my computer. I have been around on instagram if you are on there! (fourthstpayphone)

 baby soup day! She needed to wear the one on the left, then needed a tub wearing. She was very upset she couldn't keep it on since it was wet. So she picked out a new baby soup.

This time has already been harder than any other time. Elinor is old enough to realize what's going on. She was a wreck the day he left. We've had some fun times and great friends helping out (thanks Murphys!) but last night she cried for daddy. ugh! It hurt so bad. I know it crushed him when I told him.

I tried so hard today to keep her busy with activity after activity and it seemed to help. Fewer meltdowns and more fun. Any ideas to get through our days?? I need it to warm up and spend a day at the park in fresh air!

have you entered to win a GooseWaddle baby blanket gift set yet? You still have 5 days!


  1. It is so hard to keep them busy all.the.time! First, cut yourself a little slack - you are doing great!
    I know she is young, but do you think you could do a decorate a book for Daddy type activity once a day? Give her a sheet of construction paper, maybe cut out paper confetti and glue to it, or color/paint, etc. Then she can tell you one word or sentence to describe her day or her feelings and you can write it down. Collect them in a binder or folder and you can even read them together each night, then she can give it to Daddy upon his return? I'm not sure how long he is gone, but it could even been a countdown to Daddy coming home type thing also.
    Good luck!!!

    1. we do have a countdown going but WOW! the book idea is great! She loves crafts and would be really excited to do that. Thank you!!

  2. I'm with you. My boys have been home more with snow days in the last month. They are VERY active and I need to keep them busy. Plus, with working FT, it's hard to find time to write. I decided to stop pressuring myself...when I have time, that's when I'll write :)

  3. Sometimes you just have to remind yourself to relax and do the "at the end of my life" test. "At the end of my life will it make any difference if I didn't write a blog post today?" Unless you've found the cure for cancer and are going to publish it on your blog, the answer is no. =) You're doing just fine, mama. Hang in there.

  4. I don't know what touring is. I am assuming military? I will google at once. I am so sorry her Daddy is gone.

    1. oops! I should've made it clear. He is in a band. They used to go on tour a lot more but have slowed down the last few years.

  5. I have a couple ideas like play in the snow, bake together, crafts, so many indoor things to do! Write when you can, don't feel guilty! I know my son always comes first, specially when he was little and needed lots of attention

    1. thank you! She loved baking. I should plan something this week

  6. Can you skype with him? When my husband went abroad for work he skyped with my daughter and she loved it.

    1. He is in Europe and with the time difference today was the first time everyone was awake to facetime. It was right after nap though and she was a grump

  7. It's an age that is so hard to keep occupied :) Perhaps consider a babysitting for even just a few hours once a week until he's gone. You'll have your sanity and she'll have a new play friend! It's what I did when my 2nd one was born, the were only 15 months apart so I felt like I was going CRAZY.

    1. yes! I have some friends that have kids. I dropped her off there last week and went to a yoga class. Such a difference a few hours make for both of us!

  8. The age is tough and this winter has been brutal. The others gave great suggestions though. Get out of the house if/when you can though. With the beauty of facetime you don't have to be home to have that overseas conversation if the time difference works out then.

  9. "Baby Soup"! I love it! I wish I had good ideas for you. During the holidays I like to drive the kids around during 'the witching hour' to look at Christmas lights, but this time of year it's SO HARD to find anything to do! You're doing great, spring will be here so so soon.
